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Pokemon - Kanto Starters Pencil 3-Pack

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I choose you!

Perhaps Bulbasaur, the seed Pokemon with a calm nature, is the one for you. Or maybe, you prefer Charmander, with a fiery tail and a personality to match. Or maybe Squirtle is more your type; with both jet stream and sass he can be a handful! Then again, perhaps you prefer a more, ahem, electrifying personality with Pikachu. So, who will you choose?

Our range of pop culture pens and pencils are a great way to add a little fun to your work or school stationery. 

Grab yours today!


  • Lead Grade: HB
  • Pencil Topper: Eraser

Official Pokemon licensed merchandise

Franchise Pokemon Brand Pokemon Stationery type Pencil Category Homewares > Stationery Sku300476
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