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Coup Rebellion G54 Anarchy Expansion

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Coup Anarchy G54 is an expansion set and requires Coup Rebellion G54 Core Game* to play.

*sold separately

In Coup: Rebellion G54 (G54), the last player with influence in the game wins, with influence being represented by face-down character cards in your playing area. Before each game players choose five character roles from a randomized deck. Characters have a unique variable power, and the deck is formed by three iterations of each role for fifteen cards total.

G54 Anarchy contains three playing cards for each of the 6 additional roles for the G54 system – Anarchist, Arms Dealer, Financier, Paramilitary, Plantation Owner & Socialist and a new General Action – Social Media.  These new roles add countless new ways to play G54!


  • Players: 3-6
  • Age: 14+
Board Game type Card Game Strategy Game Category Toys & Hobbies > Board Games Sku307388
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