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Dragonball Super follows the adventures of Goku and his friends after defeating Majin Buu and bringing peace to Earth once again. Goku encounters beings far more powerful and defends the Earth against a powerful destructive deity. He attains the power of a god and learns his newly discovered powers under the gods of his universe. Goku travels to other universes to face more powerful opponents as well as nearly unstoppable foes.
Dragon Ball Super Gaming Keyboard Features:
- Mechanical keyboard with blue “click“ switches, designed to last and ensure keyboard response.
- Illumination: backlit type keys and multiple lightning modes straight from the keyboard, providing an optimal result based on your needs.
- Compact TKL design: allows more desk space for mouse movements.
- Full cross-platform compatibility: PC, Mac, PS5, Switch, XBOX SERIES S/X.
- Orange-blue braided cable 1.8m.
Official Dragon Ball licensed merchandise