Something wicked this way comes
Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts starts off badly when he learns deranged killer Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban prison and is bent on murdering the teenage wizard. While Hermione's cat torments Ron's sickly rat, causing a rift among the trio, a swarm of nasty Dementors is sent to protect the school from Black. A mysterious new teacher helps Harry learn to defend himself, but what is his secret tie to Sirius Black?
Wear your love of Hermione's secret to getting to all her classes everywhere you go with these Time Turner earrings. It features the highly regulated time-travel device that allows Hermione to perform small time jumps so that she can attend multiple classes at the same time during the trio's third year at Hogwarts.
Add it to your look today!
- Size: studs measure 14.5mm H x 12mm W x 1mm D approx
- Material: Gold-plated brass with etched gold colour fill
Official Harry Potter licensed merchandise