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Discover your next great adventure with brand-new catalogs of hundreds of current and classic games, limited-time trials, online multiplayer, member-exclusive discounts and more, with a choice of three new membership options.

ESSENTIAL - 12 months $95.95 Enjoy all the core PlayStation Plus benefits: join your friends in online multiplayer, add new games to your collection every month, get incredible deals from PlayStation Store, and more.

EXTRA - 12 months $169.95 Get all the great benefits included in the PlayStation Plus Essential plan, as well as access to the Game Catalogue, featuring hundreds of games from genre-defining blockbusters to innovative indies, with new titles added regularly.

DELUXE - 12 months $196.95 Enjoy all the core PlayStation Plus benefits, hundreds of games in the Game Catalogue, as well as exclusive benefits like game trials and the Classics Catalogue.

Enjoy all the core PlayStation Plus benefits of online multiplayer, monthly games and more with the PlayStation Plus Essential plan. Take it up a level with a catalogue of hundreds of downloadable PS4™ and PS5™ games as part of PlayStation Plus Extra. Or join PlayStation Plus Deluxe to add classic titles and time-limited game trials into the mix.