I am the Night
Batman: The Animated Series follows the adventures of Batman and his assistant Robin as they fight to keep the streets of Gotham safe from bandits and baddies such as The Joker, Harley Quinn, Two-Face, Penguin, The Riddler and more! The series spawned the DC Animated Universe, inspiring many spin-off shows. It's also credited with the introduction of the character Harley Quinn, who would later join the mainstream DC lineup.
Racing out of the Emmy Award-winning BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and into your home comes the 24" long Batmobile! This replica of the Dark Knight's ride perfectly captures the sleek look from the television series. Features working exterior and interior lights and is scaled to fit two 6" action figures from the line. No Bat-fan's fan-cave is complete without it!
This Batman: The Animated Series figure from McFarlane Toys features the iconic Batmobile. Add it to your collection today!
- Incredibly detailed 6” scale vehicle based on the legendary television show BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES™
- Features working exterior and interior lights
- Seats two 6" BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES action figures
- Includes a collectible art card
- Size: 15.24cm tall approx; 60.96cm long approx
- Materials: Plastic
- Batteries: 3x AA (not included)
Official DC Comics licensed merchandise