Peace is nothing but a result of war
Gundam is a Japanese military fiction media franchise created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise (now Bandai Namco Filmworks), the franchise features giant robots, or mecha, with the name "Gundam". The franchise began on April 7, 1979, with Mobile Suit Gundam, a TV series that defined the mecha anime genre by featuring giant robots called mobile suits in a militaristic setting. The popularity of the series spawned a franchise that includes, TV series, manga, novels, video games and a whole industry of plastic model kits known as Gunpla.
From "Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans," arrives the fourth form of the main Gundam, Barbatos, as an MG!
The internal mechanisms such as the Gundam from and Ahab Reactors, have been thoroughly recreated. Features excellent colour separation, improved dynamic movement gimmicks, and plentiful option parts.
Barbatos' fourth form colours have been replicated with precision, and the internal parts such as the Gundam frame have been carefully crafted to match their appearance in the series. The cylinders in the frame employ silver plating for extra detail, and the chest features a gimmick to allow rotation of the Ahab Reactors for the first time in an MG.
The inner frame, cylinders, and armour are linked by a moveable axis in the upper body to improve posing ability. Barbatos' knees also move in conjunction with their cylinders, expanding range of motion and offering a natural look when standing. Left-to-right movement of the waist has been articulated to allow for distinct down-facing posing, too.
Add this impressive MG to your own lineup and enjoy all the intricate posing options it has to offer!
- Mace x1
- Sword x1
- 300mm glide gun x1
- Foil stickers x1
- Marking stickers x1
- The pistons on the shoulders reproduce the mechanical structure allowing for additional movement.
- The Barbatos mace also features its hidden slide gimmick for the tip.
- A spinning gimmick is installed for the mobile suit's ahab reactor.
- Size: 17.8cm tall approx.
- Scale: 1/100
- Master Grade
Officially licensed merchandise