The Hunt Begins in a Far-off Land...
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is an expansion to the original Monster Hunter Rise.
Featuring improved gameplay and nimble-feeling additions to combat mechanics, unique new monsters and hunting locales, and a new difficulty level in the form of Master Rank quests.
As the hunter who saved Kamura from calamity, you must now journey to the far-off reaches of Elgado, an outpost near a Kingdom beset by a sinister new nemesis—the elder dragon Malzeno!
- Touch
- Touch your amiibo figure to the Nintendo Right Joy-Con to bring it to life in the game
- Train
- Train your amiibo to supercharge its stats and expand its abilities
- Customize special moves for your amiibo
- Triumph
- Take your amiibo to a friend's house and pit your amiibo against your friends' amiibo figures
- Fight against your own amiibo to teach it new tactics
- Team up with your amiibo and fight together
- Send your amiibo into battle against your friend
- Compatibility: Switch (right Joy-Con)
- Each amiibo figure can store 1 character profile