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Dragon Ball Super follows the adventures of Goku and his friends after defeating Majin Buu and bringing peace to Earth once again. Goku encounters beings far more powerful and defends the Earth against a powerful destructive deity. He attains the power of a god and learns his newly discovered powers under the gods of his universe. Goku travels to other universes to face more powerful opponents as well as nearly unstoppable foes.
Our all-new line of backpacks are designed in-house and made with high-quality materials with pop culture fans in mind. With padding for comfort and a safe pocket for your laptop, this is one bag you just can't miss.
This backpack features Shenron, a magical, wish-granting Dragon that the Dragon Team has always called upon in times of peril. A distinct black and green print of Shenron is seen on the sides of the bag, with a colourful depiction of the Dragon on the front.
Grab yours today!
- Size: 44cm H x 29cm L x 12cm W approx
- Material: Lightweight printed nylon
- Fully lined interior with a laptop sleeve
- Padded back and adjustable straps
- Front zip pouch pocket
- Zip closure
Official Dragon Ball licensed merchandise