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Pokemon - Creatures of The Night Enamel Pin 3-Pack

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Mischief and mayhem and spooks, oh my!

Ghost-type Pokemon can usually be found living in abandoned houses, cemeteries, funeral places and uninhabited dark places such as caves. Also, Ghost-type Pokémon tend to be extremely naughty, pranking humans just to see their faces and reactions. Curiously, the more scared a human is, the more power the Ghost Pokémon will have to prank with it.

Carry these terrifying, mischievous creatures with you all year long with this Pokemon Ghost-Types Gengar and Mimikyu, as well as Poison-type Golbat!

Grab yours today!


  • Size: 3.5cm approx
  • Material: Nickel with enamel colour fill

Official Pokemon licensed merchandise

Franchise Pokemon Brand Pokemon Lifestyle accessory type Pin Colour Gold Purple Category Lifestyle > Accessories Sku296427
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